SPIRE: Efficient Data Interpretation and Compression over RFID Streams.
Yanming Nie, Richard Cocci, Cao Zhao, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 24(1): 141-155, 2012.
Despite its promise, RFID technology presents numerous challenges, including incomplete data, lack of location
and containment information, and very high volumes. In this
work, we present a novel data inference and compression
substrate over RFID streams to address these challenges. Our
substrate employs a time-varying graph model to efficiently
capture possible object locations and inter-object relationships
such as containment from raw RFID streams. It then employs
a probabilistic algorithm to estimate the most likely location
and containment for each object. By performing such online
inference, it enables online compression that recognizes and
removes redundant information from the output stream of this
substrate. We have implemented a prototype of our inference
and compression substrate and evaluated it using both real traces
from a laboratory warehouse setup and synthetic traces emulating enterprise supply chains. Results of a detailed performance
study show that our data inference techniques provide high
accuracy while retaining efficiency over RFID data streams, and
our compression algorithm yields significant reduction in output
data volume.
Distributed Inference and Query Processing for RFID Tracking and Monitoring.
Zhao Cao, Charles Sutton, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
Journal "Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment" (PVLDB), Volume 4(5), pages 326-337, February 2011.
In this paper, we present the design of a scalable, distributed stream
processing system for RFID tracking and monitoring. Since RFID
data lacks containment and location information that is key to query
processing, we propose to combine location and containment inference with stream query processing in a single architecture, with
inference as an enabling mechanism for high-level query processing. We further consider challenges in instantiating such a system
in large distributed settings and design techniques for distributed
inference and query processing. Our experimental results, using
both real-world data and large synthetic traces, demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of our proposed techniques.
Architectural Considerations for Distributed RFID Tracking and Monitoring.
Zhao Cao, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy.
NetDB 2009
Abstract: In this paper we
discuss architectural
challenges in designing a distributed, scalable system for RFID
tracking and monitoring. We argue for the need to combine inference and
query processing techniques into a single system and consider several
architectural choices for building such a system. Key research
challenges in designing our system include: (i) the design of inference
techniques that span multiple sites, (ii) distributed maintenance of
inference and query state, (iii) sharing of inference and query state
for scalability, and (iv) the use of writeable RFID tags to transfer
state information as objects move through the supply chain. We also
present the status of our ongoing research and preliminary results from
an early implementation.
- Probabilistic
Inference over RFID Streams in Mobile Environments. Thanh
Tran, Charles Sutton, Richard Cocci, Yanming Nie, Yanlei Diao, and
Prashant Shenoy. ICDE 2009. (pdf)
report version)
- Efficient Data
Interpretation and Compression over RFID Streams. Richard
Cocci, Thanh Tran, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy. ICDE 2008.
- SPIRE: Scalable
Processing of RFID Event Streams. Richard Cocci, Yanlei Diao,
and Prashant Shenoy. In Proceedings of the 5th RFID Academic
Convocation, April 2007. (pdf)